Our Adoption Journey
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Friday, December 28, 2012
The search for Baby # 3! We are hoping for a baby girl this time around!
Please help us spread the word about our desire to adopt again!
Here is our updated story:
Thank you so much for taking some time to learn about our family.
We are so excited to set out on another adoption journey & we believe God already knows the plans He has for this baby! He has a way of turning things around! This time we are really hoping to finally add a baby girl to our family! Our sons, Caden & Caleb have been such blessings to us, and we can't wait to expand our family and the love in it. They have been asking Jesus for a sister now for some time! We want them to grow up with the joy of siblings as we both did. Our open arrangement with our son's birth moms has enriched our lives and laid a firm foundation for helping them understand how much they have always been loved. We hope that you will catch a glimpse into our lives and see a fun, loving family. Please know how much we admire and respect you for making the choice of adoption for your child. We realize how much you care about them and that your decision was made out of great love for them. There is no way that we can begin to understand what emotions you are going through at this time, but please know that we are praying for you, for God's peace, strength, and love to be in you and with you.
We are David and Kenya.
We met in 2002 when we both started new jobs at the same hospital. Our coworkers played matchmaker and we were on our fist date a few months later. Our lives were joined as one in 2003 as we celebrated our wedding day. Ever since, our marriage and love for each other has grown stronger each day. We are dedicated to each other and our family and always put family first. We went through 5 years of infertility and often wondered why we had to struggle to get pregnant. We realized that God had a different plan for our lives and that was through the miracle of adoption. We have been so blessed to become parents and have the opportunity to see such selfless love through this miracle. We truly feel the Lord is not through with our family and know we have plenty of love to offer another child. Our hearts are full of excitement and love as we await the newest member of our family.
David is an Occupational Therapist and loves doing therapy with elderly patients. The compassion and understanding he shows to others amazes me. David is known to all for his sense of humor and outgoing personality. He has an incredible sense of honesty, devotion to family, and trust. Watching him with our sons is such a joy. They have a great time together and bring many laughs. David also enjoys playing golf, coaching little league and spending time with family and friends. He received his Masters degree from Baylor & is a huge Baylor & Texas Longhorn fan. He has a large loving family and everyone enjoys getting together to make & eat tamales or have family dinners. He is not only my husband, but also my best friend and confidant.
Kenya is a wonderful mother to our sons, Caden & Caleb. She was definitely born to be a Mommy and has a very special bond with our boys. They are very close and have a great time together playing, swimming, reading books and learning new things. Kenya has fun with our boys but can not wait to have a little girl to dress up, fix hair & eventually take shopping! Kenya is also very close to her family and they are a big part of our lives. She is a very loving, patient, and fun person to be with. She works part time in health care as a Speech Therapist. She loves her profession but family always comes first to her. Kenya's work schedule is very flexible & she makes her own schedule, usually working two-three days a week for a few hours while our Sons are at preschool or visiting with Grandmaw. In her spare time she enjoys reading, cooking and spending time with family.
We adopted our sons, Caden, at his birth in July 2008 & Caleb, at his birth in March 2010. They have been a wonderful blessing to our family. David and I have shared an open relationship with both Caden & Caleb's birth mother through occasional visits, pictures, letters and phone calls. Caden's adoption is a little more open (by choice of his birth mom) as we see & talk to his birth family frequently & just this past May, met up with them for a fun-filled day at Disney World. We will honor & respect whatever level of openness that you may desire. Both of our boys are full of happiness, silliness and laughter. They have a way of always making us smile. Caden loves to play on his swingset in the backyard, swim, and read books. Caleb loves to sing, do art projects & play ball. They both love being around other children and will be so excited about becoming big brothers. They both talk all of the time about wanting a baby sister & I believe that they will be so loving & protective & such big helpers!
Together we desire to raise our children in a Christian home encouraging love, compassion, honesty, and respect. We promise your child will always be loved unconditionally and nurtured in a supportive environment. Your child will always know how they became part of our family. We will always tell them of your amazing, selfless love for him/her. Open adoption is important to us because we want our child to know the story of their birth and they were placed with us out of love. You will always be a special part of our child's life, and we welcome whatever level of contact you're comfortable with. We want our child to know his or her heritage and how much he or she is loved by their birth family. We both love being parents and are excited to have the privilege of having another baby become part of our family! Thank you for taking the time to read more about us. We know this is an emotional time for you and admire your strength and courage for considering adoption for your child. We pray that you will find peace when choosing your child's adoptive family.
With His Love,
David & Kenya
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Moving right along!
2011 was a busy year in the Soto family! We made a BIG move back to the great state of Texas! We left behind lots of friends & family in Louisiana & plan to visit a lot! That was definitely the hardest part of our move! The good part is David was offered a great job, our house sold pretty quickly & we found a great new house in Texas. We have a lot of open land around us & the boys are loving all of the space to run around & be silly boys! Santa brought them a John Deere Jeep for Christmas & they are having a blast with it! Caden is three & Caleb is 22 months old! They are both getting so big! They would both LOVE a little sister some day but time will tell....In the mean time we are having a great time getting settled in Texas & trying to make lots of memories together!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy Birthday Caleb!!!

Our sweet baby boy turned ONE YEARS Old this past week! The time flew by so fast! I can't believe he is already one. He is getting so big & making so many new sounds & is trying to stand & walk. He walks & pushes things all over but no steps alone just yet! We have been so blessed this year & life is so fun & crazy with a one year old & 2 1/2 year old!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Busy boys
Our Family of Four
2011 Started off a little crazy! I had a broken foot & was on crutches for the Christmas holidays & most of January, which was VERY challenging with two busy little boys! But, we had lots of help from friends & family & got through it! Caden & Caleb are getting so big & now that Caleb is crawling everywhere & showing lots of interest in Caden's toys, Caden is not TOO happy! We are dealing with teaching him to be gentle & to share CONSTANTLY! I know it is a learning process & that this time is going to fly by & they'll be best buds playing baseball together soon! Despite Caden's roughness, Caleb LOVES Caden & learns so much from him already! He learned to clap his hands & make sounds by watching his big brother. He learned to splash like crazy in the bathtub, take off his own bib & throw food! Ha! Caden also can make Caleb laugh like no one else & it is the cutest thing!

Brotherly LOVE (sometimes)!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
This Year We have so Much to be Thankful for!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Passing on another great blog!!

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